Friday, December 19, 2014

Pune University Question Paper (Sem-2) 2012

S.E. 2012 (Mechanical Engg. )
Engineering metallurgy

(Semester - II)

Q1) a) What are the advantages of alloy steels over plain carbon steel [04]
b) Draw an equilibrium diagram for Ag-Cu system which are partially soluble in the soli
state.The data is as follows:-
Melting temp. of Ag - 961°C, Melting temp. of Cu – 1083°C, Eutectic composition-
28.1% Cu, Eutectic temp. - 780°C, Solubility of Cu in Ag – 8.8% Cu at 780°C,
Solubility of Ag in Cu – 92.1%Cu. The solubility in both decreases to 2% at room
temperature. Discuss slow cooling of alloy with 6% Cu from liquidus temperature.
c) Explain the weld decay in stainless steels [03]

Q2) a) Draw Iron carbon equilibrium diagram [04]
b) Draw the microstructures of : 1) AISI 1020 steel [02]
c) State the Hume Rothery’s rules of solid solubility [04]
d) What is coring ? Which alloys show cored structures ? [03]

Q3) a) Explain secondary hardening [02]
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Induction hardening over Flame
c) Explain how corrosion can be prevented by taking care in proper design [3]
d) Explain what is anodic protection [3]

Q4) a) Draw self explanatory diagram for any one of the below 1] Ausforming 2]
b) Write short notes on ( Any one ) : 1] Carbonitriding 2) nitriding [04]
c) Explain min 4 types of corrosion . [04]
d) What is cathodic inhabitors [02]

Q5) a) What is chilled cast Iron ,how it is produced? Give its applications ? [04]
b) Draw microstructure : 1] Ferritic Speroidal gray cast iron, 2) 4.3 eutectic cast Iron [04]
c) Explain the cooling of 3.5 % carbon cast Iron from its melting temperature till
room temperature.

Q6) a) What is Equivalent carbon in cast Iron. Explain role of individual element present in
Equivalent carbon in cast iron .
b) Compare S.G. iron and Malleable iron with respect to microstructure, production,
composition and one application each.
c) What are the advantages of cast iron over steels? [04]

Q7) a) Give typical composition, property and application for the following ( any four) :
1] LM14 2]Invar 3]statuary bronze 4]cartridge brass 5) Gun metal
b) Ni is used in measuring equipment justify its property for this application . [1]

Q8) a) Explain classification of Cu base alloys based on the percentage of Cu and Zn?
Explain role of Zn in brasses
b) Write short note on 1) Dezincification 2)coring in Sn bronzes [04]
c) What are the requirements of bearing materials ? explain with suitable example [05

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