Friday, December 26, 2014

Areas and Volumes for Calculating Weights of Castings.


Rectangle and Parallelogram Rectangle and Paralleogram Area = ab

Triangle Triangle Area = 1/2 cd.
Area = SQRT(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) when
s= 1/2(a + b + c)
Example: a = 3", b = 4", c = 5"
s = (3" + 4" + 5")/2 = 6"
Area = SQRT(6 (6-3) (6-4) (6-5)) = 6 sq. in.

Regular Polygons poligon n = Number of sides, s= Length of one side, r= Inside radius
Area = 1/2 nsr
of Sides
5 1.72047 s2 = 3.63273 r2
6 2.59809 s2 = 3.46408 r2
7 3.63395 s2 = 3.37099 r2
8 4.82847 s2 = 3.31368 r2
9 6.18181 s2 = 3.27574 r2
10 7.69416 s2 = 3.24922 r2
11 9.36570 s2 = 3.22987 r2
12 11.19616 s2 = 3.21539 r2

Trapezium Trapezium Area = 1/2 [a (e + d) bd + ce]
Example: a = 10", b = 3", c = 5", d = 6", e = 8"
Area = 1/2 [10 (8 + 6) + (3 X 6) + (5 X 8)] = 99 sq. in.

Square Square The diagonal of a square = A X 1.414
The side of a square inscribed in a given circle is: B X .707.

Circle Circle θ (the Greek letter Theta) = angle included between radii
π (pi) = 3.1416, D = Diameter, R = Radius, C = Chord.
h = Height of Arc, L = Length of Arc.
Circumference = πD = 2πR = 2 SQRT(π X Area)
Diameter = 2 R = Circumference / π = 2 SQRT(Area/π)
Radius = 1/2 D = Circumference / 2 π = SQRT(Area/π)
Radius = ((c/2)2 + h2)/2h
Area = 1/4 π D2 = 0.7854 D2 = π R2
Chord = 2 SQRT(h (D - h)) = 2R X sine 1/2θ
Height of Arc, h = R - SQRT(R2-(C/2)2)
Length of Arc, L = θ/360 x 2 π R = 0.0174533 Rθ
1/2 θ (in degrees) = 28.6479 L/R
Sine(1/2 θ) = (C/2) / R

Sector of a Circle Sector of a Circle Area = 1/2 LR
Example: L = 10.472", R = 5"
Area = 10.472/2 x 5 = 26.180 sq. in.
or Area = π R2 X θ/360 = 0.0087266 R2θ
Example: R = 5", θ = 120°
Area = 3.1416 X 52 X 120/360 = 26.180 sq. in.

Segment of a Circle Segment of a Circle Area = πR2 X θ/360 - C(R - h)/2
Example: R = 5", θ = 120°, C = 8.66", h = 2.5"
Area = 3.1416 X 52 X 120/360 - (8.66(5 - 2.5))/2 = 15.355 sq. in.
Length of arc L = 0.0174533 R θ
Area = 1/2 [LR-C (R-h)]
Example: R = 5", C = 8.66", h = 2.5", θ = 120°
L = 0.0174533 X 5 X 120 = 10.472"
Area = 1/2[(10.472 X 5) - 8.66(5 - 2.5)] = 15.355 sq. in.

Circular Ring
Circular Ring Area = 0.7854 (D2-d2), or 0.7854 (D-d)(D+d)
Example: D = 10", d = 3"
Area = 0.7854 (102 - 32) = 71.4714 sq. in.

Spandrel Spandrel Area = 0.2146 R2 = 0.1073 C2
Example: R = 3
Area = 0.2146 X 32 = 1.9314

Parabolic Segment Parabolic Segment Area = 2/3 sh
Example: s = 3, h = 4
Area = 2/3 X 3 X 4 = 8

Ellipse Ellipse Area Tab = πab = 3.1416 ab
Example: a = 3, b = 4
Area = 3.1416 X 3 X 4 = 37.6992

Irregular Figures Irregular Figures Area may be found as follows:
Divide the figure into equal spaces as shown by the lines in the figure.
(1) Add lengths of dotted lines.
(2) Divide sum by number of spaces.
(3) Multiply result by "A."

Ring of Circular Cross Section Ring of Circular Cross Section Area of Surface = 4 π2Rr = 39.4784 Rr
Area of Surface = π2 Dd = 9.8696 Dd
Volume = 2 π2 Rr2 = 19.7392 Rr2
Volume = 1/4 π2 Dd2 = 2.4674 Dd2

Sphere Sphere Surface = 4 π r2 = 12.5664 r2 = π d2
Volume = 4/3 π r3 = 4.1888 r3
Volume = 1/6 π d3 = 0.5236 d3

Segment of a Sphere Segment of a Sphere Spherical Surface = 2 π rh = 1/4 π(c2 + 4h2) = 0.7854 (c2 + 4h2)
Total Surface = 1/4π (c2 + 8 rh) = 0.7854 (c2 + 8 rh)
Volume = 1/3 π h2 (3 r - h) = 1.0472 h2 (3 r - h)
Volume = 1/24 πh (3c2 + 4h2) = 0.1309 h (3c2 + 4h2)

Sector of a Sphere Sector of a Sphere Total Surface = 1/2πr (4 h + c) = 1.5708 r (4 h + c)
Volume = 2/3 πr2h = 2.0944 r2h

Cylinder Cylinder Cylindrical Surface = π dh = 2 πrh = 6.2832 rh
Total Surface = 2 π r (r + h) = 6.2832 (r + h)
Volume = π r2h = 1/4 πd2h = 0 7854 d2h

Pyramid Pyramid A = area of base
P = perimeter of base
Lateral Area = 1/2 Ps
Volume = 1/3Ah

Frustum of a Pyramid Frustum of a Pyramid A = area of base
a = area of top
m = area of midsection
P = perimeter of base
p = perimeter of top
Lateral Area = 1/2s (P + p)
Volume = 1/3h (a + A + SQRT(aA)
Volume = 16h (A + a + 4m)

Cone Cone Conical Area = πrs = πr SQRT(r2 + h2)
Volume =1/3 π r2h = 1.0472 r2h = 0.2618 d2h

Frustum of a Cone Frustum of a Cone A = area of base
a = area of top
m = area of midsection
R = D / 2; r = d / 2
Area of Conical Surface = 1/2 πs (D + d) = 1.5708 s (D+d)
Volume = 1/3 h (R2 + Rr + r2) = 1.0472 h (R2 + Rr + r2)
Volume = 1/12 h (D2 + Dd + d2) = 0.2618 h (D2 + Dd + d2)
Volume = 1/3h (a + A + SQRT(aA)) = 1/6 h (a + A + 4m)

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