Friday, December 26, 2014

Melting points of metals and alloys.

Figure 5. Melting points of metals and alloys.

Areas and Volumes for Calculating Weights of Castings.


Rectangle and Parallelogram Rectangle and Paralleogram Area = ab

Triangle Triangle Area = 1/2 cd.
Area = SQRT(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) when
s= 1/2(a + b + c)
Example: a = 3", b = 4", c = 5"
s = (3" + 4" + 5")/2 = 6"
Area = SQRT(6 (6-3) (6-4) (6-5)) = 6 sq. in.

Regular Polygons poligon n = Number of sides, s= Length of one side, r= Inside radius
Area = 1/2 nsr
of Sides
5 1.72047 s2 = 3.63273 r2
6 2.59809 s2 = 3.46408 r2
7 3.63395 s2 = 3.37099 r2
8 4.82847 s2 = 3.31368 r2
9 6.18181 s2 = 3.27574 r2
10 7.69416 s2 = 3.24922 r2
11 9.36570 s2 = 3.22987 r2
12 11.19616 s2 = 3.21539 r2

Trapezium Trapezium Area = 1/2 [a (e + d) bd + ce]
Example: a = 10", b = 3", c = 5", d = 6", e = 8"
Area = 1/2 [10 (8 + 6) + (3 X 6) + (5 X 8)] = 99 sq. in.

Square Square The diagonal of a square = A X 1.414
The side of a square inscribed in a given circle is: B X .707.

Circle Circle θ (the Greek letter Theta) = angle included between radii
π (pi) = 3.1416, D = Diameter, R = Radius, C = Chord.
h = Height of Arc, L = Length of Arc.
Circumference = πD = 2πR = 2 SQRT(π X Area)
Diameter = 2 R = Circumference / π = 2 SQRT(Area/π)
Radius = 1/2 D = Circumference / 2 π = SQRT(Area/π)
Radius = ((c/2)2 + h2)/2h
Area = 1/4 π D2 = 0.7854 D2 = π R2
Chord = 2 SQRT(h (D - h)) = 2R X sine 1/2θ
Height of Arc, h = R - SQRT(R2-(C/2)2)
Length of Arc, L = θ/360 x 2 π R = 0.0174533 Rθ
1/2 θ (in degrees) = 28.6479 L/R
Sine(1/2 θ) = (C/2) / R

Sector of a Circle Sector of a Circle Area = 1/2 LR
Example: L = 10.472", R = 5"
Area = 10.472/2 x 5 = 26.180 sq. in.
or Area = π R2 X θ/360 = 0.0087266 R2θ
Example: R = 5", θ = 120°
Area = 3.1416 X 52 X 120/360 = 26.180 sq. in.

Segment of a Circle Segment of a Circle Area = πR2 X θ/360 - C(R - h)/2
Example: R = 5", θ = 120°, C = 8.66", h = 2.5"
Area = 3.1416 X 52 X 120/360 - (8.66(5 - 2.5))/2 = 15.355 sq. in.
Length of arc L = 0.0174533 R θ
Area = 1/2 [LR-C (R-h)]
Example: R = 5", C = 8.66", h = 2.5", θ = 120°
L = 0.0174533 X 5 X 120 = 10.472"
Area = 1/2[(10.472 X 5) - 8.66(5 - 2.5)] = 15.355 sq. in.

Circular Ring
Circular Ring Area = 0.7854 (D2-d2), or 0.7854 (D-d)(D+d)
Example: D = 10", d = 3"
Area = 0.7854 (102 - 32) = 71.4714 sq. in.

Spandrel Spandrel Area = 0.2146 R2 = 0.1073 C2
Example: R = 3
Area = 0.2146 X 32 = 1.9314

Parabolic Segment Parabolic Segment Area = 2/3 sh
Example: s = 3, h = 4
Area = 2/3 X 3 X 4 = 8

Ellipse Ellipse Area Tab = πab = 3.1416 ab
Example: a = 3, b = 4
Area = 3.1416 X 3 X 4 = 37.6992

Irregular Figures Irregular Figures Area may be found as follows:
Divide the figure into equal spaces as shown by the lines in the figure.
(1) Add lengths of dotted lines.
(2) Divide sum by number of spaces.
(3) Multiply result by "A."

Ring of Circular Cross Section Ring of Circular Cross Section Area of Surface = 4 π2Rr = 39.4784 Rr
Area of Surface = π2 Dd = 9.8696 Dd
Volume = 2 π2 Rr2 = 19.7392 Rr2
Volume = 1/4 π2 Dd2 = 2.4674 Dd2

Sphere Sphere Surface = 4 π r2 = 12.5664 r2 = π d2
Volume = 4/3 π r3 = 4.1888 r3
Volume = 1/6 π d3 = 0.5236 d3

Segment of a Sphere Segment of a Sphere Spherical Surface = 2 π rh = 1/4 π(c2 + 4h2) = 0.7854 (c2 + 4h2)
Total Surface = 1/4π (c2 + 8 rh) = 0.7854 (c2 + 8 rh)
Volume = 1/3 π h2 (3 r - h) = 1.0472 h2 (3 r - h)
Volume = 1/24 πh (3c2 + 4h2) = 0.1309 h (3c2 + 4h2)

Sector of a Sphere Sector of a Sphere Total Surface = 1/2πr (4 h + c) = 1.5708 r (4 h + c)
Volume = 2/3 πr2h = 2.0944 r2h

Cylinder Cylinder Cylindrical Surface = π dh = 2 πrh = 6.2832 rh
Total Surface = 2 π r (r + h) = 6.2832 (r + h)
Volume = π r2h = 1/4 πd2h = 0 7854 d2h

Pyramid Pyramid A = area of base
P = perimeter of base
Lateral Area = 1/2 Ps
Volume = 1/3Ah

Frustum of a Pyramid Frustum of a Pyramid A = area of base
a = area of top
m = area of midsection
P = perimeter of base
p = perimeter of top
Lateral Area = 1/2s (P + p)
Volume = 1/3h (a + A + SQRT(aA)
Volume = 16h (A + a + 4m)

Cone Cone Conical Area = πrs = πr SQRT(r2 + h2)
Volume =1/3 π r2h = 1.0472 r2h = 0.2618 d2h

Frustum of a Cone Frustum of a Cone A = area of base
a = area of top
m = area of midsection
R = D / 2; r = d / 2
Area of Conical Surface = 1/2 πs (D + d) = 1.5708 s (D+d)
Volume = 1/3 h (R2 + Rr + r2) = 1.0472 h (R2 + Rr + r2)
Volume = 1/12 h (D2 + Dd + d2) = 0.2618 h (D2 + Dd + d2)
Volume = 1/3h (a + A + SQRT(aA)) = 1/6 h (a + A + 4m)

Columnar & Dendritic Growth of Nuclei

    Figure 1: cellular growth.

                                                      Figure 2: columnar dendritic growth.

                                                              Figure 3: dendritic growth.

                                                  Figure 4: Equiaxed dendritic growth.

                                              Figure 5: Morphologies of the solid liquid front.

                                               Figure 6: Secondary dendrite arm coarsening.

                                          Figure 7: Solute boundary layer in dendritic growth.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Some interesting facts about copper

Some interesting facts about copper:

  • Copper has very powerful anti-microbial properties. For example, a stainless steel sink will contain germs for two weeks while a copper sink will be germ-free in two hours. This was confirmed by a recent EPA study and is why most hospital door knobs, handrails, etc., are made of copper or plated with brass (a copper alloy).

  • Copper often is referred to by economists as "The Ph.D Economist." It's used in everything from wiring to pipes and any fluctuation in its demand is a good indicator of the health of the economy.
  • Pune University Syllabus: Engineering Metallurgy (Sem-2)

    University of Pune
    S.E. (Mechanical &Automobile) – II (2012 Pattern)
    Engineering Metallurgy (202049)
    Teaching scheme Examination Scheme
    Lectures: 3 Hrs/week Theory (Online): 50 marks
    Practical: 2 Hrs/week Theory (Paper): 50 marks
    Oral: 50 marks+

    Unit I: Type Of Equilibrium Diagrams & Metallurgical Concepts.
    Related terms and their definitions : System, Phase, Variable, Component, Alloy, Solid solution, Hume
    Ruther's rule of solid solubility, Allotropy and polymorphism, Concept of solidification of pure metals &
    alloys, Nucleation : homogeneous and heterogeneous, Dendritic growth, supercooling , equiaxed and
    columnar grains, grain & grain boundary effect.
    Cooling curves, Plotting of Equilibrium diagrams, Lever rule, Coring, Eutectic system, Partial eutectic
    and eutectoid system. Non Equilibrium cooling and it's effects.
    Microscopy, specimen preparation, specimen mounting, electrolytic polishing, etching procedure and
    reagents, electrolytic etching. Macroscopy : sulphur printing, flow line observations.
    Unit II: Classification Of Steels And Alloy Steels.
    Iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram, critical temperatures, solidification and microstructure of slowly
    cooled steels, non-equilibrium cooling of steels, widmanstaten structure, structure & property
    relationship, classification and application of steels & alloy steels, specification of steels.
    Classification & Effect of alloying elements, examples of alloy steels, stainless steels, sensitization &
    weld decay of stainless steel, tool steels, heat treatment of high speed steel, special purpose steels with
    applications, superalloys.
    Unit III: Heat- treatment Of Steels & Non-Ferrous Metals.
    Transformation products of Austenite, Time Temperature Transformation diagrams, critical cooling rate,
    continuous cooling transformation diagrams. Heat treatment of steels : Annealing, Normalising,
    Hardening & Tempering, quenching media, other treatments such as Martempering, Austempering,
    Patenting, Ausforming. Retention of austenite, effects of retained austenite. Elimination of retained
    austenite (Sub zero treatment). Secondary hardening, temper embrittlement, quench cracks, Hardenability
    & hardenability testing, Defects due to heat treatment and remedial measures.
    Classification of surface hardening treatments, Carburising, heat treatment after Carburizing, Nitriding,
    Carbo-nitriding, Flame hardening, and Induction hardening.
    Heat treatment of Non ferrous metals: Precipitation/ Age Hardening, Homogenization.
    Strengthening mechanisms: Refinement of grain size, cold working/strain hardening, solid solution
    strengthening, dispersion strengthening.
    Unit IV: Corrosion and Its Prevention.
    Mechanism of Corrosion, Classification of Corrosion: General, Pitting, Crevice, Intergranular, Stress
    corrosion & cracking .Velocity related corrosion: Erosion, Impingement, and Cavitations corrosion.
    Corrosion fatigue, Hydrogen Blistering. High temperature corrosion.
    Corrosion prevention methods: Inhibitors, Internal & External coating, Cathodic & Anodic protection,
    Use of special alloys, Control over temperature & velocity, Dehydration, Improvement in design/
    changes in design to prevent or control corrosion
    Unit V: Cast Irons
    Classification, Manufacturing, Composition , Properties & applications of white C.I., Grey cast iron,
    malleable C.I., S.G. cast iron, chilled and alloy cast iron, effect of various parameters on structure and
    properties of cast irons. Specific applications such as machine tools, automobiles, pumps, valves etc.
    Unit VI: Non Ferrous Metals & Alloys
    Classification, Composition, Properties & applications of: Copper and Its alloys, Nickel and Its alloys,
    Aluminum and Its alloys, Titanium and Its alloys. Specific alloys: soldering & brazing alloy,
    Precipitation hardening alloys. Bearing materials and their applications.
    List of Practicals:
    1. Study & Demonstration of Specimen Preparation for microscopic examination.
    2. Study of Optical Metallurgical microscope.
    3. Study and Drawing of Microstructure of Steels of various compositions.
    4. Study and Drawing of Microstructure of Cast Irons.
    5. Study and Drawing of Microstructure of Non Ferrous Metals.
    6. Heat treatment of Plain Carbon Steel and determination of relative hardness.
    7. Study and Drawing of Microstructure of Heat Affected Zone in Welding.
    8. Jominy End Quench Test for hardenability.
    9. Impact Test.
    10. Vickers Hardness Test.
    11. Brinell & Poldi Hardness Test.
    12. Magnetic Particle & Dye Penetrant Test.
    Notes :
    1) Practicals 1 & 8 are Compulsory.
    2) From 2 to 7, any four should be conducted.
    3) From 9 to 12 any Two should be conducted.
    Text Books :
    1. “Material Science & Metallurgy For Engineers”, Dr. V.D. Kodgire & S. V. Kodgire ,
    Everest Publication.
    2. “ Mechanical Behaviour & Testing Of Materials ”, A . K. Bhargava, C.P. Sharma.
    P H I Learning Private Ltd.
    Reference Books:
    1) “Engineering Metallurgy”, Higgins R. A., Viva books Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
    2) “Material Science & Engg.” Raghvan V., Prentice Hall of India , New Delhi. 2003
    3) Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Avner, S.H., Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997.
    4) Engineering Metallurgy Dr. O.P. Khanna,

    Pune University Question Paper (Sem-2) 2012

    S.E. 2012 (Mechanical Engg. )
    Engineering metallurgy

    (Semester - II)

    Q1) a) What are the advantages of alloy steels over plain carbon steel [04]
    b) Draw an equilibrium diagram for Ag-Cu system which are partially soluble in the soli
    state.The data is as follows:-
    Melting temp. of Ag - 961°C, Melting temp. of Cu – 1083°C, Eutectic composition-
    28.1% Cu, Eutectic temp. - 780°C, Solubility of Cu in Ag – 8.8% Cu at 780°C,
    Solubility of Ag in Cu – 92.1%Cu. The solubility in both decreases to 2% at room
    temperature. Discuss slow cooling of alloy with 6% Cu from liquidus temperature.
    c) Explain the weld decay in stainless steels [03]

    Q2) a) Draw Iron carbon equilibrium diagram [04]
    b) Draw the microstructures of : 1) AISI 1020 steel [02]
    c) State the Hume Rothery’s rules of solid solubility [04]
    d) What is coring ? Which alloys show cored structures ? [03]

    Q3) a) Explain secondary hardening [02]
    b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Induction hardening over Flame
    c) Explain how corrosion can be prevented by taking care in proper design [3]
    d) Explain what is anodic protection [3]

    Q4) a) Draw self explanatory diagram for any one of the below 1] Ausforming 2]
    b) Write short notes on ( Any one ) : 1] Carbonitriding 2) nitriding [04]
    c) Explain min 4 types of corrosion . [04]
    d) What is cathodic inhabitors [02]

    Q5) a) What is chilled cast Iron ,how it is produced? Give its applications ? [04]
    b) Draw microstructure : 1] Ferritic Speroidal gray cast iron, 2) 4.3 eutectic cast Iron [04]
    c) Explain the cooling of 3.5 % carbon cast Iron from its melting temperature till
    room temperature.

    Q6) a) What is Equivalent carbon in cast Iron. Explain role of individual element present in
    Equivalent carbon in cast iron .
    b) Compare S.G. iron and Malleable iron with respect to microstructure, production,
    composition and one application each.
    c) What are the advantages of cast iron over steels? [04]

    Q7) a) Give typical composition, property and application for the following ( any four) :
    1] LM14 2]Invar 3]statuary bronze 4]cartridge brass 5) Gun metal
    b) Ni is used in measuring equipment justify its property for this application . [1]

    Q8) a) Explain classification of Cu base alloys based on the percentage of Cu and Zn?
    Explain role of Zn in brasses
    b) Write short note on 1) Dezincification 2)coring in Sn bronzes [04]
    c) What are the requirements of bearing materials ? explain with suitable example [05